
Showing posts from March, 2018

A New World of Disorder

This week’s blog post topic regarding cultural analysis is a particularly juicy subject. Rather than looking at a particular TV series or film's affect on culture, I chose to analyze the now several years-old battles over defining fake news. In the ever-widening gulf between the coverage and elevation of what constitutes the news cycle, there is a crisis of confidence; the framing of issues, and the increasing phenomenon of the public's refusal to buy or believe the reporting of the legacy news organizations has now reached a tipping point. Responding to the drop in ratings and loss of viewership has been met with algorithm suppression of topics, the removal of hundreds of websites, and the taking down of thousands of YouTube channels; moreover, the mounting of nothing short of a slick PR or propaganda campaign led by CNN—joined by the network morning shows--spoon feeding a message from a handful of now rock star prior pro-gun control advocates. The Leading man, Davis