A New World of Disorder

This week’s blog post topic regarding cultural analysis is a particularly juicy subject. Rather than looking at a particular TV series or film's affect on culture, I chose to analyze the now several years-old battles over defining fake news. In the ever-widening gulf between the coverage and elevation of what constitutes the news cycle, there is a crisis of confidence; the framing of issues, and the increasing phenomenon of the public's refusal to buy or believe the reporting of the legacy news organizations has now reached a tipping point.
Responding to the drop in ratings and loss of viewership has been met with algorithm suppression of topics, the removal of hundreds of websites, and the taking down of thousands of YouTube channels; moreover, the mounting of nothing short of a slick PR or propaganda campaign led by CNN—joined by the network morning shows--spoon feeding a message from a handful of now rock star prior pro-gun control advocates. The Leading man, Davis Boggs, has been photographed at a mock CNN desk suggesting a mentoring program or internship long before the shooting. Equally important, Boggs possesses a background in both Drama and Journalism, and has been captured on smartphone footage receiving coaching, doing retakes, and apologizing for forgetting his lines several times over the last three weeks!
            According to Ott and Mack, “Marx believed that ideology was a byproduct of the economic system in any culture, at most a reflection of bourgeois interests used to trick the working class into false consciousness [pg. 142]. Currently, I am listening to an acquaintance from Portland who commands a large swath of the evening radio, streaming, and podcast listenership; furthermore,  Ground Zero, hosted by Clyde Lewis, is heard on over 250 stations and much as the other alternative news sites and shows that I absorb for many hours daily, discussion is focused on the ruling class, globalists, deep-state, military-industrial-complex—however you want to define them—continuing to grasp desperately to control the narrative. Namely, the continued promotion of the Russia-gate collusion story, need to circumvent relatively recent precedent setting Supreme Court decisions on the second amendment, and the promotion of pitting the American public against each other using NGOs, foundations, and non-stop propaganda focusing on race relations, gender wars, and sexual manipulation.
            Interestingly, Ott and Mack discuss the ideology revolving around intersexuality [pg. 138]. This has been a relatively recent discussion over the last five or seven years. It first came to my attention when I befriended a bar-tender who was transitioning from a woman to a man circa 2010; interestingly, Portland was becoming a magnet or beachhead for these early adopters. At the time, I was completely taken-aback when he revealed that one of the rooms we were relaxing and having drinks in--at a huge once notorious Stark Street dancing establishment—had between twenty or thirty patrons who had either transitioned or were in the process of doing so. This brings me to the ideological process of Doxa and that something that had been “…beyond question and which each agent tacitly accords by mere fact of acting in accord with social convention [pg.141]. Clearly—no matter how liberal or libertine I am on this issue--the acceptance or pushing of this lifestyle, medical procedure, and normalizing of it through the K-12 public school system has created a formidable cultural backlash; hegemony on this issue is far from a sure thing no matter how many estrogen mimickers or BPA one consumes!
Indeed, this is a clear example of the formerly doxa notion within our culture having taken on an appearance of hegemony…at least within the context of the main stream media [MSM] promotion of the phenomena. The push-back by conservative constituencies, the Fox News Crowd [according to just released ratings data, the network has filled the vacuum created by CNN’s continued decline[1],] and even the increasingly popular Libertarian sites such as infowars.com, and a litany of lesser visited websites and podcasts question why this issue of bathrooms and push for minority protection status is being undertaken. However, when the sum of the whole or plethora of alternative sources—let us call them conspiracy theory websites and multimedia shows for the sake of argument—are considered, people are no longer getting much of their news from TV and radio. In fact, while newspaper websites and the networks websites still hold considerable sway, even the FB star seems to be fading.
As the few-years-old rhetoric that “We are spinning towards a Civil War” seemed an exaggeration, it appears to be coming into clearer focus with each passing day. Moreover, if the propaganda war being waged against the American public continues to fail, it appears that the Globalists will have no problem moving forward with the weapon of last resort--with a first-tier nuclear power—in order to hang on to the levers of control.
 Threatening Russian sovereignty in the Baltic and Black Sea, enforcing air supremacy against increasingly sophisticated fifth-generation fighter platforms being fielded, and the encroachment of NATO has surrounded Russia with forward deployment; hence, the violation of the ABM Treaty by deploying an Aegis air defense system in former Warsaw Pact Poland, and the rotation of US armored infantry brigades on Russia’s eastern tier—deployed in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia---portend an escalation that was unthinkable following the Soviet Union's collapse almost thirty years ago. Putin's statements the other day made clear that Russia has had enough of US hegemony and our neurotic exploits at home and abroad.We are on the verge of WW III. 
Once this happens, the arguments over bathrooms, perceived fascism, and micro-aggressions resulting in the donning of pussy-hats or running to a safe-space will seem like the good-old-days.

[1] Cannot find article from yesterday with one CNN show at nineteenth and Hannity at #1, Tucker Carlson in top 5 and several other left-of-center shows on other networks beating CNN.


  1. Hello there,
    This is a juicy topic indeed! I appreciate the breadth and expansive nature of your analysis on this subject. After doing today's reading on race and assimilation, I think it'd be interesting to hear your opinion on it. When considering white as a default, we can recognize hegemonic behaviors in our culture and our media. From this, and from your post here, I'm reminded of people who refuse to acknowledge the fact that non-white people are underrepresented in media or are often stereotyped, losing historic facts in the process.

  2. Hey Drake, wow this was one of the longest posts I have commented on and I appreciate your analysis about fake news in our media. I especially thought your seventh paragraph to be a powerful thought. To think Globalist would have no problem to make our last resort of weaponry nuclear to protect our control is hard to wrap my head around. Your post made me think of the extremes our prevailing ideology has on not only our society, but other nations. Your post made me think of the more darker evils hegemony brings to our society and the threats we face around the world because of it. It is no longer just a clash within our society, it is a problem around the globe and could be nuclear.


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