Blog Post 7 Re-Do

I have chosen a perfect Seinfeld: Season Six Episode twenty-two. As the fun gets started, George tells a black acquaintance, “Hey you know what? You look like Sugar Ray Leonard.” The gentleman says that he doesn’t and makes a crack about thinking that George must think all blacks look alike. At this point, one of the subplots is underway as George goes on to seek out old black friends or find new ones after Seinfeld remarks that George really doesn’t have any black friends.

Other than a couple of quick couple of rejections, the show moves on with other characters. Clearly the show from as recently as the nineteen-nineties is guilty of Exclusion. Despite being on airplane flights, and scenes with Krammer at the Airport it is clear that except for the scenes with George, are underrepresented. Exclusion is exemplified by racial minorities not “existing.”

George invites an exterminator that once worked at Jerry’s place to exterminate fleas. In the episode, George will do anything so Mr. Morgan can give him an experience of positive feelings: Ideology of Difference. In addition, George is marginalizing this Mr. Morgan, using him in a classic case of Othering. George starts making it like he is an old friend, and gets caught in a lie.
[don't know why this gdoc/blogger says a run-on...looks fine to me]

Since the episode has now concluded—now having a free account at the Video Bee so I can join the rest of the world binge watching while not working for a temp agency all summer to pay next years tuition—an episode of another show is just a few-clicks-away:

Desperate Housewives is a show that features five white women on the cover art provided for season six, episode eighteen. These are upper-middle-class folks, and fully ten minutes into the show there is a lack of even an attempt at tokenism to “supposedly prove that systemic racism and white privilege no longer exist.”  I do remember when I watched this show after working twelve hour days on the 47 inch Vizio TV that I earned from working so hard to earn. However, it is clear that the couple with the adult child who is trying to move-out has parents won't associate with people long enough to find friends to "represent minority racial groups in a positive light while simultaneously dehistoricizing or stripping them of their cultural identity."
Reflections From this Blogs Author:
The person who is causing all of the problems for the parents of the son is a foreign nationality.
A Russian, she is white and does not fit neatly into any of the Race/Ethnicity Power-point slides. This is reminiscent of when I decided to leave the state in 1992 for Portland. In 1989, the iron curtain had come down in Eastern Germany--where I was stationed for the purpose of repelling a Soviet/Warsaw Pact blitzkrieg attack on US led NATO forces. Following this the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Bush 41 and congress saw to it that Russians flooded into Sacramento and the apartment complex I had cleared-out of prostitutes and drug dealers with the management team. In less than a year, I was replaced in my $14.00 an hour job that provided a two bedroom apartment by a Russian man who agreed to be paid $9.00 an hour and was compensated with a one bedroom apartment that his wife and daughter had been living in; these folks or newcomers were my friends and neighbors.
Professor Drennan, the episode just ended by the narrator expressing, "...for is not enough to win...someone else has got to lose." Life is not fair. I have really tried to include what is needed to hit most of the definitions and complete the assignment. I understand the coursework, enjoyed the chapter on Queer Analysis, and understand the need for labels and definitions when scholarly assessment of the media and different mediums have on society and our culture.

That said, I have to say one reason I do not like to watch TV is because it is a constant reminder of my lack of the 47" Vizio HDTV, several paid for cars, and the things I worked for almost forty years to attain.
I find this chapter in particular and the course material to have been divisive at times--through no fault of your own, of course; you have done a superb job walking a very tight rope! 

In my opinion, if assimilation into what used to be the American culture had not been discouraged as a matter of policy--while still retaining as many of their traditions being held at a much slower pace than the last thirty years--this country, and state in particular, would have avoided what is looking like another civil war or revolution funded and promoted by enemies foreign and domestic.
I do not like Communism and all of the mass murder nor the low standard of living without civil liberties that it always results in bringing about.
Thank you, the class has been very educating.

Drake M. Davis


  1. Carlton's character is also interesting in this show and is worth analyzing. He is depicted as very preppy and a little dorky. His culture is unique at the surface level but is also intriguing that he contrasts so heavily with the show's depiction of other African Americans. The show can also be analyzed as being one of America's first television shows that became mainstream with a dominantly African cast.

  2. "Reverse Assimilation" is a very interesting concept. If I'm getting at this right, you are saying that Will Smith is "too white" to play a "rough around the edges" black character. I don't want this to sounds like a shot at you but, respectfully, I think you are playing into a stereotype. Or rather, you are saying that Smith isn't playing enough into the stereotypical view of what a lower-income black person should act like. I get the idea your're trying to get at, and the idea they are trying to portray in the show, but I think the stereotypical idea of the "ghetto" black person is something that should also be addressed.


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